Neurofeedback for Better Sleep

Training the Brain for Restful Nights


Anxiety Disrupting Daily Life?

Sleep impacts every process in the body and is vital to physical and mental health. While sleep needs may vary based on factors such as age, most adults need 7+ hours of sleep per night to maintain health, with children needing more to support healthy development.

Sleep quality is as important as sleep quantity. Frequent interruptions to sleep, such as waking up in the night, difficulty falling asleep, nightmares/night terrors, restless legs, and sleep apnea, can be detrimental to current and long-term health.

Without proper sleep, the body cannot repair itself, the mind cannot appropriately process experiences or store memory properly, and the results can impact every area of life.

Symptoms of Sleep Issues:

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Trouble thinking, focusing, and remembering
  • Slowed reaction times
  • Headaches
  • “Microsleeps”
  • Uncontrollable eye movements (nystagmus)
  • Trouble speaking clearly
  • Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
  • Hand tremors
  • Visual and tactile (touch-based) hallucinations
  • Impaired judgment
  • Impulsive (or even reckless) behavior

Neurofeedback for Children

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), children and adolescents who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk for many health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, poor mental health, and injuries. Sleep issues commonly occur alongside other symptoms and concerns for children, including ADHD or stressor-related disorders.

Neurofeedback is an especially valuable option for children. Capitalizing on the natural resilience of neuroplasticity, it is a safe, non-invasive, effective option to help the developing brain improve its functioning and sleep quality. Neurofeedback offers a way to improve current symptoms and goals and gives the brain a window into its functioning and the opportunity to self-correct, addressing problems that may otherwise persist into adulthood.

The brain adapts quickly to new learning throughout its development. Because of this, it is typical for children to see results more quickly than adults, laying foundations on which to do better in school, develop and support healthy self-esteem, and manage emotions in ways that improve relationships and social skills.

Neurofeedback for Sleep Issues

A range of complex factors may contribute to sleep problems. Difficulty staying asleep and nightmares or vivid, unpleasant dreams may relate to brain under-arousal, while not being able to shut off worries and concerns may cause difficulty falling asleep. Sleep issues can also be indicated when there is brain over-arousal. At ECN, a trained professional will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your symptoms to get a detailed picture of what may be contributing to sleep issues.

The initial evaluation is used to create a brain training plan to meet your specific needs and goals. That plan is customized to measure improvements in the areas most important to you.

Specific Benefits Observed with Neurofeedback Sessions

Neurofeedback is truly holistic, capable of offering a wide range of benefits simultaneously. This is because the brain is retraining and re-organizing itself with the aid of our software, which gives real-time feedback. It is like holding up a mirror to the brain, so it can see what is out of place and easily and automatically fix it.

As a result, it is common to address multiple goals and concerns that may occur along with sleep issues, such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, or PTSD.

Personalization and Customization

Our goal is to work on what is most important to you. At ECN, you will work with professionals with the skill to assess and measure your progress and make adjustments as needed.

Advantages of Neurofeedback

A safe and natural approach

Involves no medication

No risky side effects

Rapid results in children under 13

Reduce or stop prescriptions

Effects are long-lasting

Neurofeedback and Traditional Methods

Neurofeedback Can Complement Traditional Methods or Serve as an Alternative

While Neurofeedback may be a stand-alone solution for some sleep issues, it is not a replacement for medical treatment. Neurofeedback can often support or enhance other treatments for common sleep problems. Our trained professionals will work with you to address common contributing factors to sleep issues by training your brain to improve its functioning to help you sleep better, feel better, and function better.

Common Traditional Methods for Treating Sleep Issues

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Medication

Benefits of a Combined Approach

Neurofeedback is a holistic approach to sleep problems that allows multiple concerns to be addressed at once. Leveraging neuroplasticity, Neurofeedback can support other medical advice and treatments for sleep issues.

Explore Neurofeedback Alongside Other Options Under Professional Guidance

Because sleep is complex and can affect and be affected by many other things, proper diagnosis and treatment from medical professionals may be appropriate. ECN supports a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Retrain Your Brain, Reclaim Your Mind

Pensacola Office


310 E Government St.
Pensacola, FL 32502

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Fort Walton Beach Office


907 Mar Walt Dr., Suite 2021
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

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Our Neurofeedback Process

During the initial 90-minute evaluation, our therapist and software system generate a protocol tailor-made for your unique needs, identifying symptoms, goals, and areas for growth.

"I Had an Outstanding Experience"

It is amazing to me how much Neurofeedback accomplishes even while you’re not in session. The staff are very accommodating and helpful. They worked with me in did everything that I could to help me be as comfortable as possible during each session. I definitely recommend anyone who is looking to do Neurofeedback to contact them.

"Neurofeedback Has Changed My Life"

I had physical trauma and I feel better than ever after 9 sessions. I can sleep, which has not happened unassisted in decades. Pamela is responsive and educational. Margaret is warm, knowledgeable, kind and has a great humming voice. After many kinds of therapy over many years, Neurofeedback has prompted the fastest results with the wonderful bonus of caring therapists. Thank you.”

"I Need More Stars to Rate This!"

I have PTSD and had very frequent (1-2/wk) all night long, terrible recurrent nightmares. Since doing Neurofeedback almost one year ago, I have had only one! Also helped sleep in general, as well as anxiety and depression. Pamela and Margaret are both warm and caring individuals. It was worth every penny.

" I’ve Regained Mobility In My Left Hand"

I had an ischemic stroke. That devastated the left side of my entire body and left me with permanent brain damage. Numerous doctors and medical professionals told me I’d never fully recover (Not true). After six sessions of neurofeedback at Emerald Coast [Neurofeedback], a lot of the brain fog and memory issues have dissipated, I’ve regained mobility in my left hand and, for the first time in seven years, have been able to feel my left foot and can wiggle my toes. I can only speak to my own personal experience that neurofeedback has helped me feel whole again. And to anyone considering it, it works, and that there is hope!

Neurofeedback and Sleep FAQs

At ECN, we generate customized protocols specifically for you, based on comprehensive data collected during your initial evaluation, and design a plan to measure your progress. By focusing on your needs, we work with you to create identifiable, quantifiable growth areas. These may include: how long it takes to fall asleep, how often you wake up in the night, daytime fatigue, nightmares, and other co-occurring symptoms. From here, we evaluate your progress and symptom improvements across sessions, making adjustments as needed.

Getting Started with Emerald Coast NeuroFeedback

Sleep is connected to every aspect of functioning, so sleep issues can severely impact quality of life. NeuroFeedback can help. To get started, give us a call or fill out our online contact form. We start by understanding your specific sleep issues and overall concerns. We will arrange a time to answer any questions and schedule your initial evaluation.

The initial evaluation involves a comprehensive set of questions to identify factors that are impacting sleep and overall functioning. From here, we create measurable growth areas and collect EEG data to customize your protocol further. We will then see you twice a week for sessions and measure your progress across sessions until you have plateaued in growth and improvement, making that learning solid and lasting.

Because Neurofeedback is true brain learning, the improvements in your sleep continue long after your last feedback session, making Neurofeedback a better investment than many other treatments alone.

Contact us today to schedule your initial evaluation with one of our professionals.