Neurofeedback for Autism

Tailored for Children


Understanding Autism

Autism is a developmental condition that exists across a broad spectrum, typically involving challenges with social communication, repetitive behavior, and restricted interests. About one in 36 children experience autism, according to the CDC.

Symptoms of Autism

Autism is expressed through several symptoms, though the severity and combination of symptoms vary from person to person.

Social Communication Symptoms

  • Poor eye contact and limited facial expression
  • Fails to respond to own name and may appear not to hear
  • Favors being alone and resists physical contact
  • Has delayed speech or does not speak at all
  • Has difficulty maintaining conversations
  • Speaks with an abnormal cadence and has difficulty with certain words
  • Lacks awareness of others' feelings and has difficulty expressing/regulating own feelings
  • Has difficulty recognizing nonverbal cues

Behavior Pattern Symptoms

  • Makes repetitive movements and has difficulty sitting still
  • Prefers strict routines and rituals
  • Has difficulty with coordination and odd movement patterns
  • Displays extreme sensitivity to light
  • Does not engage in pretend play
  • Fixates on objects with intense focus
  • Has strict food preferences, often based on texture

Neurofeedback for Children

While neurodiversity can present many challenges to navigating a world built for neurotypical people, Neurofeedback can provide support in handling these challenges. At ECN, we honor the uniqueness of each individual and seek to help autistic children feel more comfortable navigating challenges naturally without changing who they are as unique individuals.

Neurofeedback can help children with autism to overcome common difficulties through improving brainwave patterns. With EEG biofeedback, the brain gets a workout that takes advantage of its inherent neuroplasticity. The brain is very capable of learning how to improve how we feel, think, and function. With Neurofeedback, we can help autistic children adapt their internal and external responses to become their best selves and feel better in the world.

Neurofeedback is not only safe and effective, it is true brain learning. This means that the gains made are lasting. Brain adaptions made through Neurofeedback training can be profoundly life-changing for children with autism, putting them on a trajectory to a better future. Teaching the brain how to optimize itself and function not only impacts present challenges but also creates a foundation for a lifetime of potential that may otherwise have been out of reach.

With long-lasting results and no harmful side effect, Neurofeedback can equip children with autism to respond to the world in adaptive, functional ways, not only benefiting the individual child but also having a ripple effect within the family. At ECN we know the value to parents and caregivers of autistic children of easing day-to-day challenges. You know your child is unique, and you want the best for them, not just now but for the future. We can support you in laying a strong foundation.

for Autism

Helping Develop Skills by Rewiring Brainwaves

Neurofeedback can address the challenges of autism in both children and adults by helping the brain develop new brainwave patterns for speech, social recognition, emotional recognition and regulation, and other areas commonly affected by ASD. Utilizing a curated set of questions and evaluation techniques, our process of Neurofeedback helps autistic individuals develop skills to improve present functioning and have a significant future impact. The lasting effects on self-esteem, relationships, and the ability to engage with life are profound.

When you come to see us at ECN, a trained therapist will work with you to determine the symptoms that most detract from quality of life. As part of our evaluation process, we will also collect EEG data to customize protocols for brain training within your unique brainwave patterns.

All data collected in the initial evaluation will then be utilized to create the best protocols and growth areas for you or your child.

Integrating Neurofeedback with Traditional Methods

Neurofeedback can offer foundational benefits that help rewire brainwave patterns for better functioning and improved emotional health. It is sometimes helpful to integrate additional treatment methods with Neurofeedback. Behavioral therapy, speech therapy, and other types of therapy sessions can help children with autism develop useful skills; Neurofeedback helps the brain solidify those skills. A combined approach offers benefits that work to support each other. With Neurofeedback as the foundation, your child may experience greater benefits from additional supportive therapies, helping them towards greater potential.

Advantages of Neurofeedback

  • A safe and natural approach
  • No medication involved
  • No risky side effects
  • Brain training without chemicals
  • Long-lasting effects
  • Quick response in children receiving Neurofeedback before age 12 or 13
  • Potential to reduce or stop using prescriptions under supervision

Retrain Your Brain, Reclaim Your Mind

Pensacola Office


310 E Government St.
Pensacola, FL 32502

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Fort Walton Beach Office


907 Mar Walt Dr., Suite 2021
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

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The Emerald Coast NeuroFeedback Process

Our initial evaluation will take approximately 90 minutes. This is a needs assessment that will allow our therapist and software system to generate a customized protocol tailor-made for your unique needs. This enables us to identify different symptoms, goals and growth areas to focus on for improvement during your sessions.

"I Had an Outstanding Experience"

It is amazing to me how much Neurofeedback accomplishes even while you’re not in session. The staff are very accommodating and helpful. They worked with me in did everything that I could to help me be as comfortable as possible during each session. I definitely recommend anyone who is looking to do Neurofeedback to contact them.

"Neurofeedback Has Changed My Life"

I had physical trauma and I feel better than ever after 9 sessions. I can sleep, which has not happened unassisted in decades. Pamela is responsive and educational. Margaret is warm, knowledgeable, kind and has a great humming voice. After many kinds of therapy over many years, Neurofeedback has prompted the fastest results with the wonderful bonus of caring therapists. Thank you.”

"I Need More Stars to Rate This!"

I have PTSD and had very frequent (1-2/wk) all night long, terrible recurrent nightmares. Since doing Neurofeedback almost one year ago, I have had only one! Also helped sleep in general, as well as anxiety and depression. Pamela and Margaret are both warm and caring individuals. It was worth every penny.

" I’ve Regained Mobility In My Left Hand"

I had an ischemic stroke. That devastated the left side of my entire body and left me with permanent brain damage. Numerous doctors and medical professionals told me I’d never fully recover (Not true). After six sessions of neurofeedback at Emerald Coast [Neurofeedback], a lot of the brain fog and memory issues have dissipated, I’ve regained mobility in my left hand and, for the first time in seven years, have been able to feel my left foot and can wiggle my toes. I can only speak to my own personal experience that neurofeedback has helped me feel whole again. And to anyone considering it, it works, and that there is hope!

Neurofeedback and Autism FAQs

Neurofeedback can be a foundational brain-based tool for children with autism and can be used alongside traditional therapies.

Getting Started with Emerald Coast NeuroFeedback

To get started with our Neurofeedback services, reach out to us by phone or online. After establishing your primary concerns and needs and answering your questions, we are ready to schedule your initial evaluation. Once scheduled, we will send a HIPAA-compliant welcome email with paperwork, a review of our process and the next steps.

Our initial evaluation will help us further clarify your unique needs and goals so that we can customize the best Neurofeedback training plan for you. After this evaluation, we are ready to begin your feedback sessions!

From here, in each session, we will track specific symptom improvements that are the best indicator of your brain learning and progress. Using the most evidence-based methods and your unique goals, we will work closely with you throughout the process, assessing when your brain has sufficiently learned to ensure lasting results. Then you’re done! Once brain learning has reached a plateau, these gains are now integrated. In the same way, we remember how to ride a bike, the brain learns through Neurofeedback and keeps and builds on these improvements!

We love what we do and hope to talk with you soon! Reach out to the Emerald Coast NeuroFeedback team today to learn more about how we can help with ASD and schedule your initial evaluation.